Corporate virtual data is information that businesses share with other parties in a secure online environment. Documentation usually contains highly sensitive, business-critical information that has great value to the organization or business sharing it. VDRs are commonly used in M&A due diligence fundraising, as well as other events.

Life Sciences companies, such as biotech and pharmaceutical companies have specific requirements for their online documents. They require a platform that is HIPAA-compliant and FDA-approved (business associates) to securely share documents with auditing firms, portfolio companies, and other. VDRs provide these businesses with a secure, encrypted pipeline that permits the monitoring of access to documents and downloads. The ability to limit access to certain times helps ensure privacy in this extremely important field.

Due Diligence

When it comes to M&A activities, it is common to need to disclose large volumes of confidential data to potential buyers. This requires a secure platform and simple to navigate to facilitate the process. VDRs make this possible and accelerate the process of processing an transaction.


Companies and startups top article looking to grow are often required to share confidential information with investors to secure financing. This can be a lengthy process that requires sorting through thousands of documents. Virtual data rooms make it easier for investors to review the documents, which ensures an efficient and smooth process. This can also boost the bidding wars between bidders and could even increase the cost of a company.

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